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Hi! I'm Kshitij

A self-taught designer with the purpose of creating calm, meaningful, and user-centric experiences. I'm a designer who gets inspiration from everywhere. If there is something I am capable of doing, I simply want to do it, even if everyone is pressuring me not to.

One thing you should know about me, like most designers, I too have that pixel-perfect OCD, actually, it's not just pixel-perfect it's plain, simple, and old-fashioned OCD. That's why I am attentive to all the small details of the design, and appreciate the simplicity.

I believe curiosity is of great importance for growth, like I do, I always have to know everything, try to learn everything. My curiosity got me into engineering, engineering into photography, photography into designing, now designing has got me into motion design and also taking me into frontend web development.

About: Bio
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